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Living Well Being Well:
The Art and Science of Well-Being

Date of Event: 6 February 2023, Monday 
Time of Event: 6pm - 7.30pm 
Location: Global Lounge

MBTI stands for Myers Briggs Type Indicator, a tool frequently used to help individuals understand their own communication preferences and how they interact with others. Awareness of MBTI can help you adapt your interpersonal approach to different situations and audiences.


You can try it out here:


Designed to help participants create greater awareness on how their personality preferences affect their well-being and how they can customise well-being tools and techniques that will support them in creating well-being more effectively for themselves and others. 

Join us on 6th February to become more aware about YOU and accept the unique YOU.

Our Partners

Claire from The Positive Movement

The Positive Movement specializes in the application of Positive Psychology, Ontological Coaching, and Humanistic Counselling to enhance well-being in individuals and their organizations through a holistic approach that focuses on the body, emotions and language.

The team blends positive psychology, ontological coaching, humanistic counselling approaches, and somatics to deliver truly all-rounded programs that holistically address a person’s development. 


Claire is The Positive Movement’s co-founder, lead trainer and coach. She specializes in designing and delivering programs in Positive Psychology, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), and Coaching.

She is an associate faculty at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and the School of Positive Psychology, where she teaches Social-Emotional Learning and Positive Psychology in Coaching and is a certified ontological coach with Newfield Network. 

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